by Pink&Black Helsinki collective, in June 2023.


what to bring
call for contributions



we do not take pride in capitalist exploitation of queer culture
we refuse to celebrate assimilationist state projects who co-opt, control, and suffocate queer resistance.

this year, we invite you join us on a communal picnic to celebrate Queer Pleasure over pride.

time: Friday 30 June, 5–9 pm
place: Kaisaniemi park

this picnic is dedicated to pleasure, embodiment, co-creation, and gathering forces.
this is a collaborative, antiauthotarian, do-it-yourself/together event, by queers and for queers.

instead of marching, we stay still to make this event more accessible for elders, kids, disabled and chronically ill folks and anyone in need of rest and grounding.

the dresscode is Queer Pleasure: this can mean your sexiest queer fashion, favourite kinky streetwear, or your coziest  pajamas and softest pillow. the dresscode is voluntary and open to YOUR interpretation.

we invite you to stay present and embodied, and to embrace the theme “Pleasure” in whichever way feels right to you in this time and (public park) place.


we are all in danger

the past days, months, and years have been a constant flow of bad news for queers, marginalized groups of all kinds, and life on planet earth. the imperialist wars against displaced people continue in ukraine, rojava, palestine, and around the world. capitalist conditions continue to over-work the lower classes beyond their limits. colonizing, stealing and extractivist destruction of indigenous lands never ended, in Sapmi or elsewhere. governments in europe and in so-called america continue spiraling from neo-liberal pseudo-democracies towards patriotic police states, day-by-day less subtle about their hostilility towards queers, women, the disabled and racialized people.

as of today the finnish government is plotting a mass-scale austerity project to keep us busy surviving. so busy, they hope, that their escalation of violence to control state borders, marginalised bodies and everyone’s means of living will go unnoticed among all other atrocities. we know by experience, from history and present, that liberalism is not liberation, and the capitalist state system is the precondition from which fascist control politics will arise and escalate.

we are in danger and we need to do something about it

our alienation and disembodiment is the requirement for the dominant way of life. the systems that seek to control us work hard to keep us cut off from our bodies, needs, desires, autonomy, the lands and waters we inhabit with other beings, and each other.

the systems that control us would like us to accept
surveillance over safety
security over justice
policing over accountability
competition over care
in-fighting over solidarity
pinkwashing over queer love and rage
consumption over resistance
dissociation over healing
domestication over liberation

reformist and unimaginative, institutional lgbt politics have a long history of prioritising state acceptance over solidarity, and respectability politics over queer pleasure.

we have always been here

but it is about time we refuse to cooperate

this event is a braver space

we will always be in danger unless we stick together.
in the words of our wise and radikal elders:
an army of lovers cannot lose.

this is a queer event for queer people and by queer people:
— for dykes, fags, bi, butches, femmes, kings and queens, genderqueers, trans and intersex folks, two spirits, drag mothers, tricksters and pros, grrrls with dicks and bois with clits, enbies and undecided —

if you are not part of this community please respect this and act accordingly: consider how you can support this event without making it about you or your gaze, and without taking space from a queer experience.

parks are not safe spaces. we cannot guarantee that no harm takes place in the park we gather. we therefor call for a braver space and a following code of ethics:

  • We make sure people know that this is a queer event and ask them to read this code of ethics and braver space. We reach out to organisers if we need help with this.
  • To our best ability, we offer each other mutual aid and support, and stand up for others in case of harrassment or threat. We ask for help in situations that we cannot handle alone.
  • We respect everyone’s autonomy, identity, and boundaries. We hear people’s stories instead of making assumptions about their gender, identity, history, background. Racist, sexist, homo- or tranphobic, or ableist behaviour is not welcome.
  • We ask for consent before touching others or their belongings (especially mobility aids), as well as for taking photos. We respect our own boundaries and needs as well as others’.
  • We offer seats and space to rest for those who need them. We keep in mind that chronic pain, illness, and disability is not always visible.
  • We do not assume that everyone shares the same first language or language skills. We accomodate to language diversity and help with language needs the best we can.
  • No fat shaming or judgemental food talk. Food at this event is all about pleasure.
  • We refuse to participate in slutshaming, kink shaming, erasure of queer desire, and exclusion of sex workers from queer culture and sexual politics. We stand for sex workers’ rights to autonomy, income, safety, and worker organizing.
  • We believe that there is enough room in the park for everyone in the community: that is, for people of all ages and for expressions of queer sexuality / desire (in the form of dresscode, poetics, drawings, flirtations, discussions…). We ask that adults offer children the age-appropriate context and conversation that they deserve. Children, like adults, always have a say in when to exit the space.
  • We stay sober enough to stay accountable and non-intrusive.
  • No authoritarian symbols, no party-political speeches or slogans, no pinkwashing.
  • As organisers, we recognize how dangerous and precarious police intervention can be to marginalized people, and to victims of harm as well as those who do harm. We do everything in our capacity to navigate conflict and harm in ways that prioritise support for victims over policing, punishment, deportation, and systemic violence.

what to bring

blankets, comfort items,
water, sun protection,
food to share,
hand disinfectant, cups, bowls, and cutlery, to manage health risks
games, crafts, sketchbooks
instruments, art, …
— this event is a co-creation by all of us.



Pathways in the park are wide sandy pedestrian roads.

Kaisaniemi park has both rolling hills and flat grass areas. Our picnic will be located on a flat grass area with trees around to provide some shade. There is a children’s playground located roughly in the centre of the park.

Nearby public toilets are located in Kaisaniemenranta & Varsapuistikko.


  • The closest toilet in Kaisaniemenranta is 300 meters away: roughly 20 meters of sandy road and the rest is sidewalk made of concrete.
  • On the way to Varsapuistikko there is a short but steep hill on the sandy road betweek Kaisaniemi park and Varsapuistikko across the road. There is a traffic light with a sound signal at the road crossing.
  • If you come from the metro station (Helsinki University), there are accessible toilets in the Kaisa library, but please note that Kaisa closes on already at 6 p.m. on Friday. There is a direct access via elevator from the metro station to the 3rd floor of Kaisa. There is a direct elevator connection from Kaisa and the metro to the street level of Kaisannienimenkatu.

In case possible speeches, performances and other contributions include sensitive or explicit content, we will announce this in a brief content description. You are free to leave the area and return according to your needs.

Organisers will bring a handful of camping chairs (with back and arm rests) for those who need them.


call for contributions

this event is a co-creation by all of us.
your contribution (food, speech, song, you name it) is welcome.
Shout out your offerings in the facebook event, or write us an email!


With love & rage,
Pink&Black Helsinki collective + friends
contact: pinkkimustahelsinki[at]riseup.net
Image: A Banner with the text "Capitalism kills love" hangs on a wall full of graffiti. Image text: same as below.

No freedom without the freedom of women: March on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2022

Lue kutsu suomeksi.
Läs texten på svenska.

No freedom without the freedom of women: Pinkkimusta Helsinki joins the Women’s Day march for the liberation of women, transgender and non-binary people

Time: Tuesday, March  8, starting at 6pm.
Route: from Narinkkatori, Kamppi, to Karhupuisto, Kallio.

Two years ago the corona virus hit the world producing an immense crisis. Many problems faced by the oppressed groups grew as the rich became richer, allowing the social inequalities to deepen. After a rough time of increasing domestic abuse and violence, unemployment, food and health insecurity and isolation, people decided to organize in solidarity all over the world. The women in Kurdistan keep progressing their emancipatory project in defence of their land and people. Ukrainian women, mothers and workers resist the violence of men in Kremlin. The women in Russia gather in the streets to protest the unjust war, facing detention by the authorities.

The fight must continue!
We take the feminist struggle to the streets of Helsinki. On the International Women’s Day, we march in line with feminist initiatives all over the globe, from Women’s Strikes to Reclaim the Night. Through this demonstration we celebrate the power and possibilities of change that emerge when we come together.

We organize because the violence against cis-women, trans-, queer and non-binary people and children must come to an end. Sexual and gendered violence should not be veiled as a migration issue since it originates from all-encompassing patriarchal and capitalist structures and is only worsened by racism and xenophobia. Women, trans and non-binary people are disproportionately affected by the increasing precarization. That’s why our struggle is not confined to one day of the year, but needs continuous attention at workplaces, home, schools, social offices and care centers.

We refuse to be part of a system that exploits women and feminized bodies through the same extractive logic as it exploits nature. We oppose the strengthening of national borders and the global border regime, which reproduce a nationalist and racist hierarchical order.

By organizing we affirm our strength as political subjects and reject all attempts to classify us as victims in need of protection. By coming together we reassure that it is us who define what our futures will look like. With our presence and the diversity among us we pave the way for an equal and feminist society. We are already many and in our crowd there is no room for (hetero)sexism, racism or fascism!

Regards, with solidarity:

Antifascist Network Varis, A-ryhmä, Emilia collective, Kurdish Democratic Society Center – NCDK Helsinki, Vantaan Rauhanpuolustajat

Please bring your own banners. The demonstration is organized by grassroot movements and is independent from party politics. Therefore we kindly ask you not to bring any political party flags in the demonstration.

Route and program: Gathering at Narinkkatori, Kamppi at 6pm.
The march begins at 6:30 pm. and ends with speeches beginning roughly at 7:30 pm in the Bear Park of Kallio.

After the event, there is a gathering for discussion, mingling, and friendship organized by the Emilia collective.
Place: Lymy (Pengerkatu 6, note the space is not accessibly by wheelchair!).

Tukipostia transvangeille ja zinetyöpaja / Letters to trans prisoners + zine workshop


Kirjeiden kirjoittaminen on konkreettinen tapa muistaa vankeja osoittaa heille tukea, yksin tai yhdessä. 

Kirjeiden kirjoittamiseen on varattu Loukosta pöytä, jossa voit piipahtaa kirjoittamassa kortin, kirjeen tai pari. Järjestäjiltä saat neuvoja alkuun pääsemisessä. Voit tuoda kyniä, ja kirjepaperia ja postikortteja omaan tai yhteiseen käyttöön, mutta saat niitä myös paikan päältä.

Järjestäjät postittavat kirjeet vielä samana päivänä. Tapahtumassa on vapaaehtoinen kolehti postikuluja varten.



Zinetyöpajassa voit kirjoittaa tai askarrella oman zinen eli pienlehden tai koota sellaisen yhdessä muiden työpajaan osallistuvien kanssa. Pajan (vapaavalintainen) teema on radikaali hoiva, huolenpito ja self-care. Tämä hupi on tietenkin ilmaista.


Aika : Tiistai 8. syyskuuta, klo 18:00 – 21:00

Missä: Alakulttuurikeskus Loukko, Castreninkatu 7

Loukkoon varattu tapahtumaa varten, kahvilan on kuitenkin avoinna.


Otathan huomioon, että elämme keskellä pandemiaa! Pysy kotona, jos sinulla on flunssan oireita tai olet altistunut covid-19 –infektioketjulle. Pese/desinfioi käsiäsi säännöllisesti ja yhteisten työvälineiden käyttämisen jälkeen. Huolehdi turvaväleistä ja muista varotoimenpiteistä. Suosittelemme käyttämään tapahtumassa kasvomaskia ja vaihtamaan sen riittävän usein. 



Pinkkimusta Helsinki kollektiivi



Alakulttuurikeskus Loukon ulko-ovelle johtaa kadulta luiska, jonka leveys on 1300 mm, oven ollessa auki 1070 mm. Luiskan kaltevuus on n. 8 astetta eli n. 7 %.

Kaide on 900 mm korkea ja alkaa luiskan puolivälistä. Oviaukot ovat 1000 mm leveät. Luiskan ja tuulikaapin välissä on 50 mm kynnys. Tuulikaapista sisään tilaan ylitetään n. 30 mm kynnys.Loukon ulko-ovi ja luiska.


Kolmesta istuma-wc:stä yksi on mitoitettu sopivaksi apuvälineiden ja avustajien kanssa liikkuville, ja sen ovi on 1000 mm leveä. Koppi on tilava vain toispuoleisesti; wc-istuimen oikealla puolella 800 mm vapaata tilaa. Istuimen etureunan ja suljetun oven väliin jää 660 mm tilaa. Kopissa ei valitettavasti ole vielä käsitukia.

Pyrimme kehittämään helppokulkuisuutta jatkuvasti paremmaksi ja päivitämme tänne ja tapahtumiimme aina ajantasaiset tiedot.


Solidarity letter writing about to begin in January 2019.


/// ENGLISH ///


Letter writing to trans prisoners and zine workshop


Welcome take part in this letter writing for trans prisoners a concrete way to show support and solidarity, alone or together.

At the letter writing table, you can drop by and write letters or postcards: organizers can help you with getting started. You can bring stationery for your own or for shared use but everything necessary will also be available on the spot.

Pinkkimusta collective will send the mail on the same day. There is a voluntary donation box if you wish to cover cover some of the postal costs.


In this workshop you can write, draw or craft your own zine or make one together with others who attending to the workshop. The (optional) theme is radical well-being, mutual aid and self-care.

You can bring your own pens and scissors, and not share them, to help us take care of hygiene. Everything needed for making zinespaper, pencils, scissors and glue, newspaper clippings, etc.is also available on the spot. 

And of course this costs nothing, nolla, zero!


Time: Tuesday 8. September, 6pm – 9pm.

Where: Subculture centre Loukko, Castreninkatu 7, Kallio.

The venue is booked for our private use but the café is open. 



Please consider that we are in the middle of a fatal-to-some pandemic. Stay home if you have any flu symptoms or have been exposed through someone with a covid-19 infection. 

Make sure to wash/disinfect your hands regularly and between sharing pens, scissors, etc. Take care of safety distances and other precautions. We recommend you wear a mask and change it regularly.


Pink&Black Helsinki collective.



A ramp with a width of 1300 mm leads from the street to the outer door of Loukko, with the door open 1070 mm. The slope of the ramp is about 8 degrees, or about 7%.

The handrail is 900 mm high and starts from the middle of the ramp. The door openings are 1000 mm wide. There is a 50 mm threshold between the ramp and the wind cabinet. A threshold of approx. 30 mm is exceeded from the wind cabinet into the space.

Trap front door and ramp.


Of the three seating toilets, one is dimensioned to suit those moving with aids and assistants, and its door is 1000 mm wide. The booth is spacious enough only on one side; 800 mm of free space on the right side of the toilet seat. There is 660 mm of space between the front edge of the seat and the closed door. Unfortunately, there are no handrails in the booth yet.

We constantly strive to improve accessibility and constantly update up-to-date information here and at our events.


Lymy Aperitivo ♥ Pinkkimusta Helsinki

Vuoden 2019 ensimmäisessä Lymy Aperitivossa vieraana Pinkkimusta Helsinki! Lymy Aperitivo on perjantai-iltojen ykköspaikka paikka drinkeille, kohtaamiselle ja keskustelulle.

Perjatai 18.1. | klo 18 alkaen | Lymy (Pengerkatu 6, Helsinki)


  • Pinkkimusta Helsinki esittäytyy
  • Lyhytelokuva transpolin valtauksesta
  • keskustelua anarkismin ja queer-feminismin suhteesta


Lymy continues its series of monthly Aperitivo nights once a month, to meet others, enjoy some drinks and have interesting conversations. The first collective of 2019 is Pinkkimusta Helsinki / Pink & Black Helsinki✨

Friday 18th Jan | from 6pm | Lymy (Pengerkatu 6, Helsinki)

/ Program of the evening:

  • Short introduction by some group members
  • Short film: occupation of Helsinki trans clinic
  • Discussion about queer-feminist and anarchist politics


Esteellisyys ja tapahtumatiedot / Accessibility and other event info: https://www.facebook.com/events/300675260585560

1312 kaamos-nyhväjäiset / kaamos chill 1312

// ENGLISH below //
Luvassa hengausta ja uusille oiva mahdollisuus tutustua toimintaan, sekä Eeppisen Transpolin Valtaus -lyhärin uusintanäytös! Juhlavan päivämäärän kunniaksi Pinkkimusta tarjoaa glögiä ja piparia.
Osoite: Museum of Impossible Forms, Keinulaudankuja 4 E
Kuinka löydät perille: Tila sijaitsee Kontulan ostarilla, 2. kerros, E -rappu, Kontulan metroaseman vieressä.
Esteellisyys: Tilaan on esteetön kulku, kynnykset max. 4 cm. Tilassa ei esteetöntä vessaa, kynnyksetön, mutta ahdas. Lähin esteetön vessa sijaitsee viereisellä Kontulan metroasemalla.
Kuinka löydän paikalle?
> Ulos Kontulan Mene metroaseman A-B -uloskäynnistä (edessä on burger king ja subway)
>> käänny vasemmalle
>>> kävele eteenpäin, ovi (E) on tien vasemmalla puolella ennen S-markettia ja Lidliä. Ovessa on tapahtuman juliste.
>>>> Mif sijaitsee toisessa kerroksessa. Tervetuloa!
// ENG //
Cozy hanging and a great chance for new-comers to get to know Pinkkimusta.
Long-awaiteted replay of the Epic Short Film from Transclinic Occupation (subtitles in English)!

To celebrate the date, Pinkkimusta offers glögi and gingerbread.

Where: Museum of Impossible Forms, Keinulaudankuja 4 E
Museum of Impossible Forms is located at the Kontula mall, next to Kontula metro station, 2nd floor, door E.
Museum of Impossible Forms is accessible by lift with thresholds max. 4 cm on the way. The toilet has no thresholds but is not spacious enough to meet accessibility standards. Nearest accessible toilet is located at Kontula metro station.
How to find my way there?
> Leave Kontula metro station at the A-B exit (burger king and subway in front of you)
>> turn left
>>> Walk straight forward, the door (E) is on the left side before S-market and Lidl. There’s a event poster on the door.
>>> Mif is on the second floor. Welcome!
Map: https://museumofimpossibleforms.org/getting-there/

Trans Clinic Occupied To Demand Rights To Treatment: a summary

On September 12, 2018, a group of non-binary people and their supporters took over the trans clinic of Helsinki. With the occupation the activists demanded non-binary patients equal rights to hormonal and surgical treatments, and the abolition of the clinics’ gatekeeper cistem. As of summer 2018, both of the two trans clinics in Finland have refused to treat people with non-binary diagnosis. Before 2018, non-binary people had some limited access to hormonal and surgical treatment that people with binary diagnosis are entitled to.

Part of the group locked themselves with chains onto the structures of the waiting room and the police was called to cut them off. Seven were walked or dragged out of the building by police and six were detained, some of who were given fines. Everyone caught in the action was released the same evening.

“It was totally worth it”, said of of the non-binary people after being released from the police station: “direct action is needed for us to be heard. The new treatment policies have caused enormous distress for the whole trans community here. We will continue to take action until our demands are met.”

Pink Black Helsinki warmly thanks all participants and supporters. This is only the beginning!


Activists have been dragged outside of the clinic. © Lehtikuva




Pinkkimusta blokki / Pink black bloc at Helsinki Pride 2018

(in english below)

Pinkkimusta blokki marssii tänäkin vuonna Helsinki Pride -kulkueessa, lauantaina 30. kesäkuuta.

Järjestäydymme kulkueeseen Senaatintorilla klo 12 aikaan. Löydät meidät pinkkimustien lippujen alta! Ilmoitamme tarkan sijainnin vielä paikan päältä. Kulkue lähtee liikkeelle klo 13 (ks. kartta alla).

Kannatamme rajatonta maailmaa ja vapaata liikkuvuutta.

Vastustamme valtion kontrollia, joka kohdistuu sukupuoleen, seksuaalisuuteen, perhemuotoihin ja liikkumiseen.

Sukupuolemme ja kehomme ovat meidän ja me voimme elää niitä todeksi ennennäkemättömillä tavoilla. Transihmisten kehon muokkaamista eivät saa rajoittaa valtion ja lääketieteen fantasiat kaksijakoisesta sukupuolesta.

Vaadimme hlbtiqa-yhteisöiltä solidaarisuutta ja konkreettisia tekoja fasismia, rasismia ja transfobiaa vastaan sekä yhteisöjen sisällä että niiden ulkopuolella. Loppu pakkopalautuksille, etniselle profiloinnille ja pakkosterilisaatioille! Tuemme toisiamme, juhlimme ja taistelemme pinkkipesua, kapitalismia ja CIS-teemiä vastaan!

Pukukoodi: pinkkimusta
Naamioituminen sallittu.


Pink Black Bloc marches again in Helsinki Pride on Saturday 30th June

We will start forming the bloc at 12 PM at the Senate Square. You can find us under the pink&black flags! We will announce our specific location at the site. The march begins at 1 PM (see map at the bottom).

We want a world without borders and with free movement.

We resist the state’s control over gender, sexuality, family forms and free movement.

Our genders and bodies are ours and we can live them real in unforeseeable ways. The body modifications of trans people cannot be limited by fantasies of binary gender by the state and medical authorities.

We demand solidarity and concrete acts against fascism, racism and transphobia from the lgbtiqa communities, within them, as well as outside them. End deportations, ethnic profiling and forced sterilization. We support each other and celebrate, whilst fighting against pink washing, capitalism and the CIS-tem!

Dresscode: pink and black
Masking allowed.

Trans Week of Action 19th to 25th of March

Events, workshops and meetings every day! Demonstration Sat 24th of March.

Pink&Black Helsinki organises a Trans Week of Action on the theme: How to survive in a transphobic world?

During the week there will be workshops, meetings and other daily program. The week builds up to a demonstration on Saturday 24th of March. The demonstration will start in fron of the Kiasma (Mannerheiminaukio 2) at 2 pm.



★MONDAY 19.3.★

Action Week kick off
at Museum of Impossible Forms 6 pm

Welcome to hear more about the weeks program and to watch a film! Week kick off also includes the opening of Voimaminä exhibition (Exhibition event https://www.facebook.com/events/157152478330344/)
The film shown is “Transgender life in Slovenia” (37 min, English subtitles). Action week info starts at 6 pm, film screening starts at 7 pm.


★TUESDAY 20.3.★

Sign, zine & banner workshop
at Happi Youth center 4-8 pm

Queer sexuality discussion
at Museum of Impossible forms 5-9 pm

For one evening we will create a safer space for trans people to talk about sexuality and read and watch books, brochures and other material about sexuality. Many sexuality events are cis/heteronormative and genital centric, so we want to create a queer space from an another point of view, a space where we can give and recieve peer support. Let’s destroy cis/heteronormativity!

17-18 Possibility to get to know the material, voimaminä exhibition, getting to know the space.

6-7 pm discussion safe sex, consent and boundries

break: socialising, getting to know the material, possibility to get advice on how to use different toys/equipment/ how to make diy toys safely.

8-9 pm experiences of embodiment, bdsm

There will possibly be some toys (diy whips, floggers etc.) on view but the space is meant only for discussion, not for playing.

Event is for transpeople and allies.

Welcome! ????



Help on surviving the application jungle and how to deal with bureocracy workshop
at Maunula-talo, 3:30-6 pm

In our everyday lives we have to deal with kela, TE-toimisto and other bureocratic institutions which is sometimes hard in this transphobic world we are living in. That’s why we decided to organize this event. You are welcome if you need help or advice with something, if you want to help other people and/or share experiences and information or for example if you find it hard to fill applications on your own.

The event takes place in Maunulan nuorisotalo’s computer class so you don’t have to bring your own compurer with you. Because the classroom is in the youth center (nuorisotalo) there will be some people and noise outside during our event, but our classroom is well soundproofed.

Non-binary people in comics – discussion at 3 pm to 4.30 pm at Sarjakuvakes
(Porthaninkatu 9, Helsinki)

DISCUSSION IN FINNISH (possible translation tbc)

Comic artists Pii Anttonen, Apila Pepita ja Kimmo Lust talk about their comics, which often deal with their non-binary gender identities. https://www.facebook.com/events/960143930815661/


★THURSDAY 22.3.★

Zine work shop 5-9 pm
at Museum of Impossible forms

Come make your own queer-feminist-trans revolutionary zines. Materials provided in the workshops. Drop-by basis.

Bike workshop 6-9 pm
at Pyöräpaja

General information about bikes and also possible to fix your bike independently with possibility to get help/advice and we will ask people in the beginning what they want to learn. So a safer space for transpeople and allies.

Workshop will be in English and Finnish.


★FRIDAY 23.3.★

Support in transitioning 4.30 pm
at Museum of Impossible Forms

A peer supportive group meeting for people who are considering transitioning or who are currently going to transpoli and/or transitioning. Also people who have already transitioned but who are want to give support and advice about transpoli and transitioning are welcome.

We can talk for example about problems and difficulties in juridical and medical procedures and share information based on our own experience.

Non-binary meeting at 7 pm
at Museum of Impossible Forms

Possibility to talk about different topics, hangout, do your own work etc. in a peer environment. We will offer some snacks, coffee\tea\juice. Otherswise vegan potluck if you want or can.

Sign, zine & banner workshop
at Happi Youth center continues 4-8 pm


★SATURDAY 24.3.★

Demonstration at 2 pm starting from Kiasma

Demonstration event with latest info:

Action week party at 6pm at Museum of Impossible Forms

Trans Revolution Now! -demonstration after-party. Music, poetry and stand-up (in Finnish). Performers include: Varjova, Talvikki Lehtinen, Susi Nousiainen and Susinukke Kosola.
Program begins already at 6.30 pm
Free entrance. Event is substance free.
Party event here:


★SUNDAY 25.3.★

Benefit dinner + solidarity for trans prisoners 5-8 at Lymy

Come, eat & write letters of support to trans prisoners! Writingequipment like pens and stationary provided. Food 3-7e. All donations willgo to support trans prisoners. There will be a short presentation on Marius’ and Diren’s situations.
Marius Mason is an imprisoned transgender anarchist, serving 22years for acts of eco-sabotage. Marius is incarcerated at Carswell in FortWorth, Texas, a small, high–security facility; he receives few visits, his mail is monitored, and he is intensely socially isolated. Sincehe came out as transgender, he has engaged in a painfully slow process of medical screenings to see if he will be permitted to have access to theWPATH standards of care for transgendered people (hormones, surgery, andthe right to legally change his name to a gender-appropriate one of hischoosing).

Diren Coşkun is an lgbti+ activist and anarchist who was arrested during an IDcheck at the Diyarbakır Courthouse in Turkey, on August 14. She was told that there was a judgement on her for charges of “being a member of an illegalorganization” and “propagandizing for an illegal organization”. Because she refuses to be in the same ward with men, she has been put in solitary confinement. She demands access to healthcare and trans-specific healthcare as well as to be removed from solitary confinement. Diren has beendiscriminated and harassed by prison authorities. On January 25th she began ahunger strike/death fast in her struggle for these demands. She finished hunger strike after 27 days on February 21st after she started to get vegan food and promised improvements concerning the health care issues. (Organised by: Helsinki Anarchist Black Cross and Anarchist Black Cross Vantaa)



Description of event places:

Museum of Impossible Forms

Address: Keinulaudankuja 4 E at Kontula shopping mall, 2nd floor
Map here: https://www.museumofimpossibleforms.com/gettingthere/
Accessibility: the space is wheelchair accessible, doorsteps max. 4 cm. Space has no accessible toilet, it has no steps, yet small. Nearest accessible toilet is located at Kontula metro station.

Happi youth centre

Address: Sörnäisten rantatie 31
Accessibility information: The space is wheelchair accessible and has accessible toilet.

Pyorapaja (bicycle garage)

Address: Pasilan Puistotie 12
Accessibility information: Accessible entrance, yet limited possibilities to move inside the space, due to many tables. No accessible toilet.


Address: Porthaninkatu 9, Helsinki
Sarjakuvakeskus is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.
More specific info on the accessibility of the space: http://www.sarjakuvakeskus.fi/kurssit/saavutettavuustiedot


Address: Metsäpurontie 4
Map here: http://maunulatalo.fi/?page_id=3033
Accessibility: Main entrance is wheelchair accessible and all the floors are accessible by lift. Accessible toilets are located on the second and third floor.


Address: Pengerkatu 6
Accessibility info: Unfortunately the space is not wheelchair accessible, there are steps
leading (downwards) into the space and three steps up to the toilet. The toilet is quite small, the door to the space and to the toilet are quite narrow.


Haluamme monimuotoisia queer-yhteisöjä, joissa pyritään aktiivisesti kaatamaan sisäisiä raja-aitoja. Haluamme yhteisöjä, joissa toimitaan yhdessä, kun yksi kohtaa sortoa. Yhteisöjä, joissa rasismille ja transfobialle ei anneta tilaa. Emme voi vaatia oikeuksia vain osalle hlbtiqa+ -yhteisöä ja jättää muut ilman. Tasa-arvoa ei ole ennen kuin kaikki ovat tasa-arvoisia.


Me kannatamme rajatonta maailmaa ja vapaata liikkuvuutta.

Emme jaa nationalistista unelmaa, jossa ihmiset lajitellaan syntyperän mukaan. Samaan aikaan, kun istuva hallitus näennäisesti irtisanoutuu fasismista, se toteuttaa fasistista siirtolaispolitiikkaa. Turvapaikkapolitiikan lähtökohtana ei ole hädänalaisten auttaminen, vaan sen kontrollointi, ketkä pääsevät Suomen rajojen sisälle, ja ketkä pakotetaan niiden ulkopuolelle. Kun maahanmuuttovirasto toivottaa Prideen osallistuville iloista juhlaa peittyy se, kuinka sama virasto vaatii seksuaalisuuden todistamista turvapaikanhakijoilta ja lähettää ihmisiä kuolemaan. Seksuaalisuutemme kuuluu meille, ei viranomaisille.

Kontrolli ei lopu rajoja ylitettäessä, vaan se levittäytyy myös rajojen sisäpuolelle. Kansalaisuus on yksi kontrollin ja eriarvoistamisen väline. Sen avulla ihmisiä luokitellaan, käännytetään ja ajetaan eroon toisistaan.

Sukupuolimerkinnöillä, transtutkimuksilla ja ahtailla rooliodotuksilla vahditaan kaksijakoista sukupuolijärjestelmää, jotta ihmisten elämiä ja kehoja voitaisiin edelleen valvoa, lokeroida ja hallita.


Kehon muokkaamista eivät saa rajoittaa valtion ja lääketieteen fantasiat sukupuolesta. Sukupuolemme ja kehomme ovat meidän ja me voimme elää todeksi niitä ennennäkemättömillä tavoilla. Translaki ei riitä – me tahdomme enemmän.


Me emme ilahdu poliisin läsnäolosta Prideilla. Ensimmäinen Pride oli mellakka poliisiväkivaltaa vastaan, eikä historiaa ole syytä unohtaa. Poliisi toimii edelleen työkaluna valtion fasistisen politiikan toteuttamisessa. Se suorittaa turvapaikanhakijoiden pakkopalautukset ja tekee etnistä profilointia.

Sen sijaan poliisi ei ole tehnyt mitään rasististen, homo- ja transfobisten ryhmien toimintaan puuttumiseksi. Poliisi on katsellut esimerkiksi Pohjoismaisen vastarintaliikkeen toimintaa ja kasvua läpi sormien. Tämä kertoo siitä, kuinka vähän hlbtiqa+ -oikeuksien edistäminen todellisuudessa kiinnostaa poliisia. Tänä vuonna Toronto Pride päätti osoittaa solidaarisuutta Black Lives Matter -liikkeelle kieltämällä poliisien osallistumisen virkapuvuissa – samoin tulee toimia myös Helsingissä. Poliisi ei ole tervetullut Prideille.


Queer-yhteisöt ovat aina toimineet turvaverkkoina virallisten rakenteiden ulkopuolella silloin, kun valtio on tehnyt ihmisistä laittomia. Tarvitsemme näitä yhteisöjä edelleen.

Niitä tarvitsee homo, joka pakenee maasta jossa homous on rikos tullakseen maahan, jossa häntä kutsutaan laittomaksi, koska häneltä puuttuvat oikeanlaiset paperit. Niitä tarvitsee transsukupuolinen nainen, joka ei saa tarvitsemiaan hoitoja, koska ei toteuta sukupuoltaan lääkärin toivomalla tavalla sekä muunsukupuolinen, jonka sukupuolta valtio ei tunnusta lainkaan. Me tarvitsemme yhteisöllisyyttä, jossa solidaarisuus on ensisijaista.

Onko Helsingissä kohtaamispaikkoja, mihin muunsukupuolinen voi mennä pelkäämättä tulevansa kyseenalaistetuksi? Kun turvapaikanhakija ei pääse homoklubille henkilötodistuksen puuttuessa, onko olemassa paikkoja missä hän voi tavata muita hlbtiqa+ -ihmisiä? Onko tiloja, missä rodullistettu henkilö voi aina luottaa, ettei jää yksin kohdatessaan homofobiaa tai rasismia? Jos tällaisia tiloja ei ole, meidän on luotava niitä.

In English:


We want diverse queer communities that actively challenge the boundaries that limit our life and the potential of our communities of resistance. We want communities where we act collectively to fight the oppression of one. Communities in which no room is given to racism or transphobia. We cannot demand rights for only a part of the lgbtiqa+ community and leave others without. There’s no equality until there’s equality for all.


We stand for a world that is without borders and has free movement.

We do not share the nationalist dream in which people are categorized according to their origin. While the ruling government ostensibly denounces fascism, the migrant policies it carries out are fascist. The current migrant policies are not based on helping those in need, but to control who gets to enter the borders of Finland and who are forced out. When the immigration services wishes Pride participants a happy celebration it covers how it simultaneously demands proof of sexual identity from refugees and sends people to their deaths. Our sexuality belongs to us, not to officials.

Control doesn’t end at borders but spreads within. Citizenship is a tool for control and for increasing inequality. People are classified, deported and separated on the basis of it.

The gender binary is guarded by gender marking, trans examinations and narrow role expectations, in order to increasingly monitor, label and govern people’s lives and bodies.


The state and medicine have their fantasies about gender that should not limit body alteration. Our genders and our bodies belong to us and we can live them true in unprecedented ways. Trans law is not enough – we want more.


We do not welcome police presence in Pride. Let’s not forget that first Pride was a riot against police violence. The police still functions as a tool to execute fascist governmental policies. It carries out forced deportations and ethnic profiling.

Instead the police has done nothing to stop the operations of racist, homophobic and transphobic groups. It speaks grude language about how willing the police truly is in advancing LGBTIQA+ rights. This year Toronto Pride, for one, decided as act of solidarity to the Black Lives Matter movement not to allow the police to participate in uniform. Helsinki Pride should decide the same. The police is not welcome to Pride!


Queer communities have always functioned as safety nets outside official structures when the government has turned people into illegals. We still need these communities.

These are required by the gay man who flees their country where homosexuality is a crime, only to be made illegal by not having the right paperwork. These are required by the trans woman who does not receive required treatment after a doctor decides she does not fit the normative type of gender expression. Or the non-binary person, whom the law does not recognise at all. We need communities, where solidarity is priority.

Where in Helsinki are there places where a non-binary person can go without the fear of being questioned? When a refugee cannot enter a gay club due to not having documents, is there a place to meet other lgbtiqa+ people? Are there spaces where a person of colour can trust they won’t be met with racism or homophobia? If there are no such places we must create them.

Queers Against Borders Bloc hit the Pride Parade 1 July

Invitation to dance (and shout)


We want a world without borders and with freedom of movement.

We resist the state’s control over gender, sexuality, family forms and migration.

We resist forced deportations and ethnic profiling operated by the police. Why is the same police that commits these racist acts allowed to come clean its image by participating in Pride?

Our genders and bodies are ours and we can live them real in unforeseeable ways. The body modifications of trans people cannot be limited by fantasies of binary gender by the state and medical authorities.

We demand solidarity and concrete acts against fascism, racism and transphobia from the lgbtiqa communities. Within these communities, as well as outside.



The block gathers at Kansalaistori under the Queers Against Borders banner. You can recognize us from our pink and black colors and by our many drums!

Dresscode: pink, black, earplugs


More info coming soon.


Call-out by:

Pink & Black Helsinki
Rhythms of Resistance Helsinki