In addition to workshops and speed dating, Queerization 2015 program includes: cafés, zine distro, picnic, films, music and hanging out, folk’s kitchen in support of political prisoners and of course Pink Blac Bloc on Helsinki Pride Parade. See program for more info.




Tuesday 23rd June, 2pm onwards, at Makamik (Jyrängöntie 1)

Welcome to make a wallpainting to Makamik at tuesday 23.6 starting at 2 pm. With the wallpainting we are celebrating Queerization! We will use spray cans and water based latex-paints. If you want to bring your own mask for the spray painting session, you can do it, but everything else we have at the place: paints, stencil carton and rollers.



Tuesday, 23rd June 2pm–5pm at Makamik (Jyrängöntie 1)

During the workshop, participants will produce their own zine (“minimagazine”). No special skills required – you can participate in a way you choose. There will be materials ready for making zines and people who can give tips and advice. There will also be some voluntary, crafty chores to find inspiration from. Let’s make a zine that looks like its creators!

There are possibilities for continuing the zine making on Wednesday and Thursday, and by the end of the festival everyone will get their own paper version.



Wednesday 24th June 2pm–5pm at Makamik (Jyrängöntie 1)

Thursday 25th June 2pm–7pm Pyöräpaja (Bike workshop, Parrulaituri 2)

Let’s make Pink Black Bloc heard and seen on this year’s Helsinki Pride Parade! Come and paint your own slogan on a sign or banner. We’ll provide some necessary materials feel free to contribute paint, brushes, cans, markers, fabric and sign materials. Pink and black fabric and paint especially needed!



Thursday 25th June 2pm–6pm in Pyöräpaja (Parrulaituri 2)

In the bike workshop you can fix your bicycle or even build one. Pyöräpaja volunteers offer their help if needed. You can use both basic and special tools, and also have access to storage of recycled spare parts.

No previous experience needed. Free of charge, voluntary donation.



Friday 26th June 1.30pm–3.30pm at Makamik (Jyrängöntie 1)

Yes? No? Maybe? What do I want? Recognizing boundaries.

In the workshop we discuss about communication, sexual consent, your own and others safety and boundaries. Workshop includes exercises that are done both private and in groups.

Workshop has room for 10 participants.


We’d also like you to sign up beforehand by emailing us to

Please give at least the following details:


Name (of any preference):

I prefer workshop in:

[  ] english

[  ] finnish


[  ] I have read and will respect the Queerization Safer Space Policy.




Friday 26th June at 6pm in Lenininpuisto Park

Are you looking for the Right One or a one-day friendship with benefits? Are you missing some asexual play from your life? Does your polyamorous family still have room for one, or two? Are you searching for peer support in your transition or just some new pals? Are you an expert in migration permit issues of filling social benefit applications? A sturdy shoulder to lean on and a tireless sender of comforting cat gifs? Want to meet new people and network with fellow activists around Helsinki and the Baltic? Would you like to hold someone’s hand while marching in the Pink Black Bloc on Saturday, shouting slogans?

Queerization warmly welcomes you to Solidarity Speed Dating!

The speed dating is organised at 6pm on Friday, 26th June, at the same time with Queerization picnic in Lenininpuisto Park.

For practical reasons, please come early to sign up for the event! You’ll recognise the organisers by their pink armbands. We’d also like you to sign up beforehand by emailing us to

Please send us at least the following details:


Name (of any preference):

I can date in:    [  ] english    [  ] finnish

[  ] I have read and will respect the Queerization Safer Space Policy.



bandistalkoot / banderol making 2014