For us, the Pride means not merely a parade but a riot. We speak up in the name of those whose voices who are silent in the mainstream LGBT narratives.
On 28th June 1969 in the riots of Stonewall the poor, young, black, queer and transgender people had had enough of the systematic police raids and violence and created resistance. Soon New York had its first Gay Pride. Today Pride has been diluted into a wishy-washy celebration of well-off folks that the LGBT initiatives call “diverse”. The Pride Parade marches under police protection. Gay people can legally marry and some transgender people get access to services. But we know well that the police won’t protect us from the institutional violence of the state, nor will the state give us real freedom to love who we want.
The state does not only provide trans people’s treatments. It also creates the set of meanings, norms and hierarchies around two genders – when they really are unique and multiple – and polices people to conform to them. The narrow criteria for gender identity disorder diagnosis does not allow for diversity. Intersex babies whose bodies are surgically violated in the name of “normal”, face this control youngest of all.
The police and migration officials can deport refugees persecuted on the basis of their sexuality or political views. Private security companies will protect those who can buy protection. They will drive off Roma people picking bottles, like happened last year in the Pride Park, so that the white-dominated, middle and upper class crowd of fashion magazine replicas can enjoy their champagne in peace.
Too many living in the margins struggle with mental health issues and poverty. Getting help might become a mission impossible if just getting by financially sucks up all the energy. Many trans people are denied gender reassignment because of mental illness, and a refugee without papers can’t get help without risking deportation.
The imagery of equality is used as a means of merchandise and you are only allowed to party if you can buy the fun. Those profiting from the pink money industry couldn’t be happier to get to ride on such fresh and approved images. And the mainstream LGBT movements do not mind because their ideals have for long been scrubbed clean of anything that might come off as radical. We don’t want to participate in this celebration of exclusive consumerist culture.
We march under pink and black flags and take no pride in the commercialized celebration. We do not want to live the middle class dream nor enjoy “well-being” driven by capitalism. We march for an egalitarian society without fear, shame or oppression based on sexuality, gender, skin colour, wealth or ability.
Our aim is not to change or recreate normal but to fight against normativity. True freedom is gained when everyone is free!
Pink Black Bloc Marches On Helsinki Pride Again Saturday 27th June
We meet at 11:30 AM at the Helsinki Senate Square, at the side of the main building of the University of Helsinki. We’ll start forming as a bloc 12 AM. You will find us under the pink&black flags.
Rhythms of Resistance Helsinki will play with us. It’s good to bring ear protection, especially for children, if you wish to march/dance near the band.
We are getting ready for the march during the week in the Queerization minifestival. Welcome<3